Tuesday 13 October 2015

Poetry Induction

First lessons of English Literature AS level

After discussing what defines a poem and thinking about why people write and read poetry, we moved on to read several poems (Predominantly about childhood):

- 'I Come From' by Robert Seatter
- 'Blackberry-Picking' by Philip Hobsbaum
- 'Balloons' by Sylvia Plath 
- 'War Photographer' by Carol Ann Duffy
- 'I Am Very Bothered' by Simon Armitage
- 'I Am' by John Clare
- 'Brand New Ancients: a poem for London' by Kate Tempest
- 'In the Small Hours' by Wole Soyinka
- 'No, Thank You, John' by Christina Rossetti

As this was induction, exploring and analysing these poems was the perfect opportunity to get started on some basic terminology and thematic techniques, personally when working my way through these poems I used CATSDRIFT as we were taught to in iGCSE English. 

We were also taught basic tips for the exams as a way of starting us thinking about the end point of this year *Screams inwardly*.

1.Interpretation: 'Could/Perhaps/Seems to suggest'.
2.Evidence: (Use quotes and language analysis).
4.Explorations: More than one.

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